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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Do you have the right professional attitude?

Companies are now subscribing to the 'we look good, if you look good' policy. We explain the benfits of doing so.

Maintaining a professional decorum and environment in the office is of utmost importance to ensure concentration and efficiency of employees. In fact, with the latest technology upsurges threatening to make ‘office' an orthodox concept, this working atmosphere is the only reason why people continue to enthusiastically go to work rather than finishing their chores at home.
A very central aspect of professional etiquette is the attire and presentation of employees. The appearance of the staff is not only critical to the proficient working of the office but is also chiefly responsible for impressions upon the clients. A well-dressed and disciplined team always inspires assurance and trust among the clients.

As a result, companies have begun to take the reins into their own hands to ensure that their employees take special care to dress well and maintain a professional demeanour during office hours. In fact, many companies have even introduced power-dressing sessions to do the same.

Meghana Kulkarni, Manager HR - Admin, DesignTech Systems Ltd., tells us about their efforts to create an optimum working environment in their offices:
- No iPods or songs while working as it often leads to committing of errors & glitches.
- No extended lunch hours. Office should be rightly considered a place to learn and build a career.
- Most importantly, decent semi-formal/formal dressing that neither attracts nor distracts

Such constraints have become essential, especially in recent years because of the ‘looking perfect at all times' culture that has taken hold of the world. If you don't look smart, even your work will be prejudiced as sloppy and imperfect. This is undesirable, both in front of your boss as well as your client. Hence, it is absolutely necessary that no mistakes are made in this department. Mridul Shekar, Manager - Human Resource and Organisation Development, Corbus explains, "Superiors tend to make assumptions about the credibility and potential of the employee based upon his/her appearance. This is especially true during an interview when the visual appearance forms an important component of the first impression of the interviewee. Hence, attire definitely plays a significant role. Another reason for the dress codes that we impose is the fact that an employee's dressing not only reflects on him, but also on the organisation; it is a testament of the company as well. During official meetings, an employee reflects and validates the culture and the credentials of the organisation. Hence, it is imperative for us to instill the discipline for our employees so that there is regulation and uniformity on the floor."

But it is not entirely about the boss or clients either. Employees themselves benefit immensely from such regulations. Kulkarni continues, "Formal dressing enhances an employee's confidence, professional spirit, work ethics and attitude. It avoids unnecessary distractions and inspires one towards career growth."

Hence, it can be observed that though a very minor matter, dressing appropriately and working in a disciplined surrounding does make a difference in the corporate world and can actually work wonders in boosting one's positivity and mannerism.

Palak Bhatia
Source: Times Ascent

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