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Have you been feeling stressed recently? The best way to reduce stress and organize your life is through time management. Start today – with these free tips!
In this digital age of speed, we scramble to get things done among interruptions, distractions and incessant communications, our working day expands while our personal productivity shrinks. We need new strategies to remain effective. By taking control of technology, managing email, reserving time for helicopter planning, scheduling “work breaks,” applying the sigmoid curve and the 90-minute rule, and following your body clock, you will be able to build a consistent habit of working productively.
I think all of us have to work under a lot more pressure nowadays that at anytime in history. Expectations are higher than ever before and the need to do ”more” with ”less” is a given. Our family lives are also frantic. Add all of this together and it can cause us to be stressed and more anxious. In this book, you’ll be given information, techniques and strategies to manage your stress levels.
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Do you make the most of your time or are you always chasing your tail? Do you use to-do lists? Planners? And do you know what tasks and activities to focus on at any given time? In this book you’ll will learn skills and techniques to prioritise your work, how to avoid time wasting events and how to communicate what you want and what you don't want!
This eBook carries a conviction that managers vulnerability to stress can be lessened by them standing back from the coal face occasionally and recognising they have choices in how they feel in themselves and behave towards others. There is no suggestion this is easy but there is plenty of food for thought, drawn not from theories laced with jargon, but from meeting and spending time with hundreds of managers and collecting a wealth of anecdotal evidence.
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